What kind of realtor fits your needs?
Everyone communicates differently. When looking for a realtor to help, make sure to consider how you want your real estate agent to work with you.

One realtor is not always like the other. Realtors work in different ways and use different methods to approach the home buying and selling process. Here are some questions to ask yourself and other realtors to find out what kind of realtor you should seek out when buying or selling your home.
Do I want a quick turnaround?
If you’re looking to purchase or offload a home quickly, then you have a lot of freedom when deciding who to use as your realtor. Of course, getting the best deal is always important, but sometimes it’s a luxury that you may not have. The quick turnaround realtor is efficient and has probably done a lot of deals. If you want someone who will get the job done immediately, ask multiple realtors how many deals they have done in the past, then compare averages and make your decision based on that.
Do I prioritize honesty?
Are you looking for a realtor who can walk with you every step of the way? Do you want someone who will be straightforward and honest, or do you want them to appease your desires even if they have knowledge that it may not be the best route to take? Do you want someone who hides behind the curtain to get the deal done or someone who communicates with you about interactions with other realtors regarding your case?
If honesty and open communication are important to you, you may have a slightly more difficult time finding a realtor you can trust, but they do exist! When interviewing realtors, ask them about their communication styles and values, and give them a scenario about how they would handle a specific situation. Ask about who they are as a person outside of work, and take your time deciding who would be a good fit.
Do I want the best bang for my buck?
Are you looking for the best deal possible, regardless of the stakes? Do you have plenty of time to find or sell your home? This is the best situation to be in, and it’s important to take advantage of it.
This is a good responsibility for a well-seasoned real estate professional. Young or new realtors typically don’t have the experience to know which skills to bring to the table for this type of transaction and can sometimes be too eager. If you are in this situation, it may be a good idea to talk to people you know about their realtors. Ask about how specific situations were handled and whether or not they were satisfied with their services. Be wary of realtors who are overly eager and willing to do anything to make you their client.
You can’t judge a book by its cover
There are many types of realtors because there are many types of people. Just like anyone else you interact with, it is important to take time to understand your own priorities before seeking out a realtor. It is just as important to interview multiple people when looking for someone who is a good fit. Sometimes realtors can have all of the aspects listed above or none of them. It is up to you to use judgment when making such a big decision as home buying and selling. Take our Homebuyer Education course so you can increase your knowledge and know what questions to ask when looking for your realtor.
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