How real estate professionals can get more followers and better engagement using LinkedIn
Linked-In is the number one digital platform for people to advance their career. Anyone from leaders of fortune 500 companies to freelancers to small business owners can utilize the platform to get their name and business out into the working world. LinkedIn provides a perfect opportunity for realtors and lenders to connect with and engage their audience. Whether or not you already have a linkedin account, it is important to realize that the platform works best with a little strategy.

You’ve created an account - now what?
Creating a LinkedIn account is the first step toward getting your business out into the digital world, but merely signing up isn’t enough. Just like any other social platform, there are strategies to implement if you want to be seen in certain arenas and by certain people.
1. Be thorough when creating your page
Signing up for the platform is a good start, but simply putting your name and your business on your page isn’t enough to get noticed. Think of your LinkedIn profile as a digital conversation with a potential client, and use it as an opportunity to tell your story and what you’re about in a professional way.
2. Be concise
Long-winded bios and posts will ensure that you become invisible. When people are looking through profiles, they want to be able to read and interpret them quickly. Share your name, job title, organization, and a personal, quick elevator pitch about yourself, your business, and your “why”. Make it clear to your audience what sets you apart from your competitors.
3. Only list past experiences that are relevant to your goal
Your Linkedin profile is not the same as your CV, but a sort of “billboard” to promote yourself. List only the experiences you have had that are relevant to your business or goals. If you are a real estate agent, it is not necessary to list your experience as a server in high school. If you interned for a real estate agency, however, that is okay to include. When someone reads your applicable experience and decides to reach out, then you can send them your full CV if necessary.
4. Take the skills assessments
LinkedIn provides assessments to showcase your abilities and skill sets. Taking these and showcasing your certifications on your profile allows your audience to trust you and what you say you can do. It alleviates extra time that recruiters, people who are hiring, or potential clients have to take to double-check your words, and you’ll be more likely to make a connection.
5. Get and give reviews
One review goes a long way. Having past clients or employers write a review is a great way to earn the trust of your audience. If you’re having a hard time getting people to write a review, offer to write one for them first and they are more likely going to reciprocate.
What to do after your LinkedIn profile is optimized
Start with these steps to create a LinkedIn profile that is effective and helps you get noticed. Stay consistent with your messaging, engage with your audience, and only post professional content. The goal is to become a reliable source of information for your audience, engage with them, and eventually form a working relationship. Sharing eHome courses and blogs is a great way to offer helpful information to your audience.
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