How Agencies Can Reach A New Generation of Homebuyers with eHome America

We make it easy for agencies to reach newer generations of home buyers and we have a passion for simplifying the process for new buyers.
Over 600 partner agencies across the nation are sustainably expanding their service areas and counseling production while still providing high-quality services to customers. And revenues of $18.5M were generated by eHome America for its partner agencies since 2010.
Every day, agencies across America are benefitting from eHome America’s courses, specifically in reaching a new generation of home buyers.
How do we help reach a new generation?
eHome America is a web-based educational tool which is appealing for younger generations, tech-savvy clients and those who are unable to attend traditional classes.
Not only are online courses more appealing because of convenience, but because of COVID restrictions in certain states, online platforms make it much more accessible and safe for those who could have health risks for going out in public and gives an opportunity to attend a class online instead of avoiding a class altogether.
Newer generations are also looking for cheaper options because they are not as financially established as older generations. Our program is only $99 for prospective buyers and is a great start for those that don’t know where to start!
Millennial buyers (ages 22-40) make up 37% of all homebuyers ( This is a generation that grew up with increasing access to technology and have accepted it as the norm in their lives. Ensuring these potential buyers are well informed and prepared with easy access to that information is crucial!
What would my agency receive?
We like to say that eHome America works for you, because we do! We want to make it as simple and duplicative as possible.
By partnering with us, your agency will receive:
- Marketing material to partners for promotion
- Administrative function for counselors to monitor customers’ progress
- Increased efficiency, reduced staff workload by offering convenient 24/7 access to customers
- You will receive web-based courses to reach younger, tech-savvy clients and those unable to attend traditional classes--This actually widens your reach to a broader customer base
- You will receive additional revenue to support counseling services
What topics are included in the Homebuyer Education Course?
The Curriculum:
Are You Ready to Buy a Home?
Managing Your Money
Understanding Credit
Getting a Mortgage Loan
Shopping for a Home
Keeping Your Home & Managing Finances
What your clients will receive:
24/7 Convenience
Take the course from your own home, at your pace
In English & Spanish
Low Cost
How do I become a partner agency?
If you would like your agency to partner with us, we’d love to have you!
Your agency would need to be:
- A HUD Approved Counseling Agency
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- And/or adopt and adhere to the National Industry Standards as set by *NCHEC (NeighborWorks Center for Homeownership Education)
Our goal is to build capacity to touch more customers in a quick and cost efficient manner. We want to increase the sustainability of our services through the generation of revenue for our nonprofit HUD-Approved Housing Counseling Agencies.
We’d love for your agency to be one of them!
If you are interested in becoming a partner, please call us at {phone number} or fill out the form below.
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